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Showing posts from April, 2016

A Review of The Amazing Tour is Not On Fire!!

Are You Ready For This? Hello loves, So this past weekend I went To Playlist Live in Orlando, Florida ! I had an amazing time, made tons of friends and filmed tons! So yes I will have plenty of vlogs for you guys to see! So when I got home I thought about what I wanted to talk to you guys about first and well that would be #TATINOF! If you don't know about Dan and Phils well go see my YouTuber Review on them because you are missing out! First off let me say I will NOT be telling any SPOILERS I love you guys enough not to ruin it for you but I will tell you how I enjoyed the show and well maybe some tips for the show. Like I just said I WON'T tell SPOILERS  and a big reason for that is because I took zero pictures and if you are going NEITHER WILL YOU! Dan and Phil request that know one takes pictures or video because everyone deserves to not know what will happen when they see it, yea I am talking to you Tumbler people! Also if you aren't going to the show they will be ...