Hello, loves! Today I will be telling you two more of my New Year's resolutions! So my third resolution is to live my life to the fullest. What I mean by that is I want to travel more, take risks, meet different people, and love more. I want to give back to the world through volunteer work and charity as well. I have a question: are any of you doing the snapchat challenge this year? If you don't know what the snapchat challenge is, it involves making a separate snapchat account, and you send everything that you record or take pictures of during that year to the separate snapchat. At the end of the year, you watch everything you have done all year! I will be participating in the snapchat challenge, and I hope to look back on this next year with joy. I hope I will be proud as well. My fourth resolution is to be the person my 15-year-old self would be proud of. This year I have slowly discovered what makes me happy and what I could possibly do for the rest of my life. When I think of my 15 year old self, I think of the girl that always had big dreams and planned how to get there. My goal this year is to make that 15-year-old girl with big dreams proud. I want my 15-year-old self proud of what 21-year-old me will accomplish. Yes, the dream has changed a bit, and the girl has learned more and had a little bit of a reality check since then. Now I still have big dreams, and this year I plan to discover more dreams and achieve the ones on my list. I hope you enjoyed my New Year's post. Come back tomorrow for another New Year's post!! If you want to know where else you can find me, check out the links below. Bye!!!
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