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Showing posts from July, 2016

Sevan Days of my top 7 Woman Role Modles

Hello everyone hope you are having a great week. I was trying to think of a blog post last night and I was thinking about celbs or Youtubers, that are good influences in this world and I look up to. So I came up with " Sevan Days of my top 7 Women Role Models. Some of the woman you will hear about you will have heard me talk about but others will be new and I am excited for you to hear about!!! Womans week will start Monday August,1st! Also some of these woman you might not concider "Woman yet" but hey its my blog and age doesn't determine if you are a woman yet, So thats that lol I am excited for you guys to see who I look up tp! Feel free to write in the comments who you look up to! Maybe try to guess who I will be talking about?? -faith check out my 7 days of youtubers!  Link Here!

Book Review: Girl Online By Zoe Sugg

  So while I was away I wasn't just on tumbler I was actually reading a book that reminded me of myself and That book would be Girl Online By the one and the only Zoe Sugg!!! If you don't know who Zoe is then Hello nice to meet you because you must be new to my blog. I will leave a link down below of my of Zoe's "vlogmas" Review. So you can read all about Zoe. So for now il just give you the basics Zoe is a British Youtuber with over more then 14 million subcribers over two Channels. Zoe relased girl online in 2014. Since then Zoe has wrote Girl Online, Girl online: On Tour , and soon to be coming out in novemeber will be the third part in the series Girl Online: Going Solo!. So lets start with the start. The story follows 15 year old Penny. Penny loves to take pictures but she doesn't just live behind the leans of a camera she lives behind the screen of a blog called girl online  has that know one knows is her! But her amazing best friend  Elliot of cours...