Hello, everyone! My name is Faith, and if you don't know who I am, then well I wouldn't be suprised. Back in 2015 I started a Youtube channel and this blog. My head was full of Youtube dreams like having Zoella be my best friend and Dan Howell be my lover, but I got busy and ran out of ideas. Also I've been working. So what have I been up to since 2016? Well a lot! This year I turned 23, went back to school, and went back to florida for playlist live 2017. Honest review - wasn't as fun as 2016, but I had an awesome time. Plus Disney World is a plus! If you want to see it, the videos are on my Youtube channel. Also I have been building my relationship with God, and last but not least, I have found the love of my life. His name is Sean, and he makes me happier than I ever could've imagined. So that's the update on me. I will try to keep writing and maybe talk on new topics. I will see you soon!
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