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Showing posts from December, 2015

Count Down To The New Year Part 3

Hello, loves! Happy New Year's Eve!! I can't believe it is the end of the year already! Of course, today I am back with two more New Years resolutions!!! My fifth resolution is to make more money . I want to work harder at everything I do. I want to make this the year I kick butt and work hard. College is expensive and very hard to pay for, so I hope to work more. My sixth resolution is to be happy .   This is something everyone struggles with, and I am no exception from this. When this year started, I was not really happy at all, but throughout the year I have learned to just be happy and love being me. I want to continue doing that into the new year. Well, I will see you back here next year (see what I did there lol)! Happy New Year, again, and tomorrow I will have my last two New Year's resolutions!! If you want to know where else you can find me, click the links down below!! If you are drinking tonight stay safe, and if you are under age don't drink! lol Faith...

Count Down To New Years Part 2

Hello, loves! Today I will be telling you two more of my New Year's resolutions! So my third resolution is to live my life to the fullest .   What I mean by that is I want to travel more, take risks, meet different people, and love more. I want to give back to the world through volunteer work and charity as well. I have a question: are any of you doing the snapchat challenge this year? If you don't know what the snapchat challenge is, it involves making a separate snapchat account, and you send everything that you record or take pictures of during that year to the separate snapchat. At the end of the year, you watch everything you have done all year! I will be participating in the snapchat challenge, and I hope to look back on this next year with joy. I hope I will be proud as well. My fourth resolution is to be the person my 15-year-old self would be proud of .   This year I have slowly discovered what makes me happy and what I could possibly do for the rest of my life. Whe...

My New Years Count Down!

Hello, loves! Because the new year is in just a couple days and I didn't do anything special for Christmas on this blog, I decided that I would do a countdown to New Years!!! In these blog posts, I will be telling you two of my New Years resolutions each day. Yes, I have resolutions, and I have been thinking about them...a lot. This year I feel like I have real resolutions! Every year everyone says, "I want eat better" or "I want to get better grades." I myself have said these before, but of course by February we cancel the gym membership and are back sitting on the couch eating Cheetos when we should be studying. When I started thinking about resolutions, I realized how much I have grown as a person this year, and I was amazed by the resolutions I came up with. My first resolution is to think positively!  I know for me this has been a personal struggle. In the past, I would over think a lot, and I would worry too much. It seems that this has gotten better ove...

What is to Come

Hello, loves! First, I want to say I hope you had a Merry Christmas! Since we are getting closer to the New Year, I thought I would tell you what my plan is for this blog and everything else. Before I go on, I just want to say thank you so much. We have reached 250 VIEWS in only two weeks!!! Back to the subject at hand, I will still be posting four times a week just like I promised! I am going to keep reviewing albums, movies, trailers, and so on, but I will also be talking about many other things as well. I also want to know what YOU want me to write about as well. I want to know what your thoughts and opinions are on the content that I am putting out. Also, you can follow me on Twitter to get updates on when blog posts will be up. Links will be down below! Something new happening in my life is MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! I will try to release new videos every week, and you will get to see a different side of me which I think will be very interesting for you guys lol. I am super thrilled ...

Merry Christmas! AND 250 VIEWS!

Well, today's blog post is going to be short and sweet. I just want to say thank you for reading my blog! I hope you have enjoyed my posts, and of course Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I will be posting more after Christmas. I just thought I would take the next two days off and enjoy spending Christmas with family while taking a break from blogging. I also wanted to say we have reached 250 VIEWS!!! May I add I've only been blogging on here for two weeks now?! Your support means the world to me, and I'm so glad to see that not only people in America are reading my blog but all around the world, too! Thank you again everyone for your love and support, and I wish you the best this Christmas. If you are going through a hard time this holiday season, I send my support and love your way. Thanks again! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! See you back here Saturday! Faith's Twitter Faith's YouTube -Faith (the little ...

Book of The month! The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Hello, loves! I made a decision that each month I'll suggest one book per month. Growing up, I wasn't really into reading. I decided to read more sometime around my senior year of high school, so if you're not into reading I totally get that! If that's the case, maybe my collection of book recommendations will persuade you to read more! For this month, the book I recommend is The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. First published on February 1, 1999, Perks follows the story of main character, Charlie, who is just entering his Freshman year of high school. Charlie seems a bit worried about his past, present, and future. Along the way, Charlie makes two best friends, Sam and Patrick, who happen to be step siblings who are entering their Senior year of high school. They help Charlie with the things that are affecting his life in big ways. This book has something that everyone can relate to (the good the bad and the ugly) because everyone goes through the emo...

Blue Neighbourhood Album By Troye Sivan

Troye Sivan. What to say about him? First, I just have to say that I love the way he spells his name! If you don't have a clue who Troye Sivan is, he is a 20-year-old Australian singer. Last year, Troye released his debut EP, TRXYE, and it was at the top of the charts in 66 countries. Just this month, Troye released his brand new album "Blue Neighbourhood" on December 4th, 2015. Troye Sivan is also a YouTuber with more than 3 million subscribers and counting. He is known best for his singing videos of covers and collabs with close YouTube friends such as Tyler Oakley, Marcus Butler, Zoella, and Bethany Mota. This past month, Troye released a video titled  Welcome to Blue Neighbourhood ; in this video, Troye gives a little teaser of what his album is about and how it connects to the title "Blue Neighbourhood." Troye also has recently uploaded more of these videos for each individual song on his al...

I Made a YouTube Channel!

Hello, world! Today I am sharing something very special and personal. I made a YouTube account! YouTube is something I have always wanted to try. I love blogging, so why not try vlogging?! I also wanted to find a way to give you guys more content as well. I don't have a set schedule for my YouTube video uploads yet, but I do finally have a blogging schedule! I promise to upload at least 4 times a week. I am so thrilled for you guys to get to know me better, and I welcome you to this crazy journey that is now my life! So please enjoy my first Youtube video, 25 Facts About Me , and I will see you back here tomorrow! Make sure to follow me on twitter at @___itsfaith and subscribe to my youtube channel ! xoxo, Faith  

Fuller House!! You Got It Dude

"What Ever happened to predictability? The milk man, the paper boy, evening T.V You miss your old familiar friends, but waiting just around the bend." Today Netflix released the teaser trailer for "Fuller House" and personally I got " the feels".  The trailer brought back memories of being 12 and coming home from school and turning on ABC Family and watching Full House.  Those are some great memories!  I love how in the trailer we get to see the Tanner family home and it hasn't changed a bit (except comet may he rest in peace). It truly made me feel like I was visiting a old friend or family member that I hadn't seen in years and now I am so excited to see what is next for the Tanner family. For those of you who don't know what "Fuller house "is , it is a Netflix Original series that is a sequel  to "Full House".  We get to see what Danny, Uncle Joey, Jesse, DJ, Step...

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them !!

Bloody Hell!! The trailer for "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is out, and Potterheads are going crazy for it! Am I the only one who got chills when the WB logo popped up on the screen? I know I did, and to be completely honest, I am super excited to see what J.K Rowling has brewed up for us Hogwarts alumni next. The movie is based in 1926, and Magizoologist Newt Scamander played by Eddie Redmayne is chasing down magical creatures that have seemed to escaped from a brief case all over New York City. You might remember hearing the name Magizoologist Newt Scamander from the first Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's Stone depending on what country you live in). When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are reading the book in the library talking about the stone (insert what stone according to country lol), it's Scamander's book they are reading. This makes the movie and book Fantastic Beasts even more special because ...

Zoella Review on "Vlogmas"

Zoella! Zoë Sugg is one of the most well known Youtubers out there with more then 9 Million subscribers and counting. If you don't have a clue who she is, you must be living under a rock. She also wrote two books "Girl Online" and "Girl Online: On Tour," and did I mention that she has her own beauty product line? Well, it seems like Miss Sugg sure does seem to have her hands full, and still with this going on, she seems to still have time to bring all her subscribers into the Christmas spirit with Vlogmas! If you don't know what Vlogmas is, it is daily vlogging everyday until christmas. It's like a Youtube advent calendar lol. The challenge I see with some Youtubers sometimes is the stuggle of keeping up with daily vlogging everyday until Christmas, but with Zoë it seems like she does it with ease. I myself love watching Zoella's, Alfie's, and the rest of their friends' Vlogmas videos as well. I personally love how we get a inside look into...

Krampus Movie Review

Today a couple of friends and I went to see "Krampus." If you don't know what the new film Krampus is about, it is based on a myth where if you are bad and forget to appreciate what you have, "Krampus  comes and takes your family. The film made that very clear when the main character "Max" played by ( Emjay Anthony)  gets upset with his family and says he hates them all. After that, it's all down hill from there, Krampus slowly starts to take his family members one by one with the help of his creepy little helpers like a evil tree angel, little gingerbread men and you don't want to know about the jack in the box!  I was surprised to find that the film was also funny, too. It had a perfect mix of comedy moments and scare jumps! After, you will never look at Christmas decorations the same way anymore, but you will appreciate what you have  long after you leave the movie. You might even get more into the Christmas spirit! Hope you enjoyed this rev...

Where to find me!

Hello my loves! I wanted to let you know I have a Twitter and YouTube as well. All you have to look up is @___itsfaith, and I should pop up! Check out my profiles for daily details about new blog posts and videos. Also, if you have any suggestions for YouTube or blog posts, please let me know. Thank you! xoxo, Faith

Hello, It's Faith!

Hello! My name is Faith. T his is my first blog post, so let me tell you more about me! I'm 21 years old from Chicago, IL, so, yes, I know what great pizza tastes like! Lol I have always wanted to try a blog. I also love to read, and I've been acting since I was 7. I really hope you enjoy my blog posts, and don't worry. I will be writing often, so welcome to It's Faith! The Unwritten Story (Of a 21 year old learning her place in this world)!  I hope you enjoy, and see you soon!